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Written by JaNay Brown-Wood

Illustrated by Samara Hardy

Peachtree Publishing Company

About the series

Where in the Garden, a four-book series following toddler Amara and each of her friends as they explore their individual warm- and cool-weather gardens. Each toddler hunts for the perfect produce to complete a festive celebration and compares and contrasts what they know against a variety of fruits and vegetables found along the way. 

Amara's Farm by JaNay Brown-Wood

Book #1:

Amara's Farm

A young girl searches for pumpkins on her farm in this joyful celebration of cool-weather fruits and vegetables. From the new Where in the Garden? series. Click HERE to learn more!

Publishers Weekly

Rights Report: Week of September 16, 2019

Publishers Weekly for Where in the Garden Series

Book #2:

Miguel's Community Garden

Miguel searches for sunflowers to take to his community garden party in this vibrant, diverse exploration of gardening and healthy eating. From the Where in the Garden? series. Click HERE to learn more!

Miguel's Comunity Garden by JaNay Brown-Wood

Learn more about the inspiration for Amara and the WHERE IN THE GARDEN SERIES by clicking HERE!

Where in the Garden Series: 
Now Available in FRENCH

Amara's Farm in French/La ferme d'Emma by JaNay Brown-Wood
Miguel Community Garden in French/ Le jardin partagé de Miguel by JaNay Brown-Wood
Logan's Greenhouse in French_ La serr de Louis by JaNay Brown-Wood
Linh's Rooftop Garden in French/ Le jardin sur le toit de Linh by JaNay Brown-Wood
Logan's Greenhouse by JaNay Brown-Wood

Book #3:

Logan's Greenhouse

Coming October 4th, 2022

Logan searches for carrots in his wheelchair-accessible greenhouse in this vibrant exploration of gardening and healthy eating, from the Where in the Garden? picture book series. Click HERE to learn more!

Book #4:

Linh's Rooftop Garden

Coming March 21st, 2023

Linh searches for blueberries in her rooftop garden in this vibrant exploration of gardening and healthy eating, from the Where in the Garden? series.  Click HERE to learn more!

Linh's Rooftop Garden b JaNay Brown-Wood

Cooking with JaNay

Cooking with JaNay
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